Thursday, January 8, 2009

We're Having a Baby!!!!!

Well it just took me 2 days to figure out how to change the blog background, so this could be a slow process, but I'm getting there. I figured this would be a fun way to keep everyone up to date on the progress and development of little baby cheyne, who is just growing every minute in my belly.

We are currently in week 12, which was a very nice surprise. Just imagine going into your first doctor's appointment thinking that you were only 8 weeks along and would see a little alien looking thing on the sonogram monitor, but to really find out that you are a month further along than you thought and to see a BABY - with fingers and toes and a profile. It was the most surreal experience I have ever had. Craig and I just watched our little one bounce up and down and all around. I think we have a wiggle worm coming our way. But that wouldn't surprise me, considering that I was crawling at 4 months and running at 8 months. I missed the whole walking stage.

Anyways, the nurse predicts a boy. And Craig said that his first thought when he saw the monitor and that baby moving around so much was, "That has to be a boy, little girls don't do that, they just lay there and look pretty." I thought that was cute. So maybe at our next appointment, which is Feb. 3rd, we will have a little more confirmation.

I bought a photo scanner today and hope to post the sonogram pictures soon. If I can figure it out. haha

As you can imagine, both the Miller and Cheyne side are excited and ready for a new family member! Estimated due date is July 18th!

Please continue to pray for me, Craig and little cheyne during these next several months! We are so blessed and honored that God is allowing me to carry His child.

With Much Love,


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