Tuesday, March 3, 2009

20 week appointment

I had my 20 week appointment today. The heartbeat sounded really strong and I measured at 20 weeks, so everything is going the way it should. I've come down with a little cold. BC is just using up all my immune system. This is the 3rd time I've been sick since the New Year, but as long as that little baby stays healthy, I'll tough it out.

The count down has started until my 22 week appointment (13 more days!!!) until we find out the sex! We will also be able to see the baby's brain, heart valve and the sono nurse will be able to measure the bones and make sure everything is growing properly. It should be an interesting and reassuring appointment. Mom and Craig will both be there for all the excitment!

1 comment:

Gregg and Chels said...

YEAH!!! I have been thinking about you all day! So glad to hear that everything is measuring on track and can't wait till that next appointment! Hope you get feeling better!