Friday, May 1, 2009

Gifts Galore and Bleed #4

I've made it one week and one day here at Medical City!!! I will be 29 weeks tomorrow! Honestly, this whole bed rest thing hasn't been that bad at all. I have been blessed with lots of company and phone calls. Yesterday, my friend, Chelsey, came by to visit and she took me on my 30 minute wheelchair ride, while mom was talking with a client. We had a good time and she even let me stand up for 2 minutes to see the newborns (shhhhhhh, don't tell anyone). I only saw 2 of them, but they were both so cute. Then, my friend, Staci, came and brought us dinner from Johnny Carino's. It was so good! I love the bread and the olive oil with "garlic chips" to dip it in. After dinner, we had even more excitement. My parents belong to a "Fellowship Group" and they are all my honorary Aunts and Uncles. Since they couldn't be here, they sent their representative, Jackie Savell, to deliver all the gifts, gifts and more gifts. It was like Christmas times ten. They wheeled me down to the entrance where Jackie was parked and when she opened the back of her SUV gifts started falling out. The big ones, like the car seat, base and stroller frame for the car seat, we left in the car, but mom, Staci, Chelsey and Jackie carried all the rest up to my room and I un-wrapped gifts for a good hour. I got some great and much needed stuff (diaper champ/pail, boppy bouncer, booster seat, baby monitor, pack-n-play sheets and changing pad covers, hooded towels, bibs and bottles and much more). I felt blessed and honored. They definitely went above and beyond and spoiled me to the extreme!!! I guess I got a little too excited because pretty soon after I finished opening all the gifts I had my 4th bleed. It wasn't quite as bad as the other 3, but still another bleed. It's beginning to be a 48 hour pattern. I made it 72 hours one time, but all the others have come in 48 hour increments. But again, everything looked good. So after that, it was time to wind down and call it a day. Everyone left and I went to bed.

Today is Friday!!! Not that what day it is really matters to me. haha My friend, Emily, came and brought mom and I lunch from La Madeleine. Yummy! She even brought me a lemon tart!! Carlee enjoyed it just as much as I did. It was fun having her visit. She brought me my 7 month gift, a cute preemie onesie, and told me that she had already bought me my 8 month gift, but that I had to make it to 8 months to get it. It sounded like a good threat to me. Well that is it so far for today. My Dad will be here later this afternoon and he is bringing the nursery bedding! I can't wait to see it!!!! Don't worry; Craig won't be in charge of getting the nursery all set up while I'm here. Mom will go decorate it at some point. The nurse just brought us some homemade brownies, so I better go eat them!!!

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!!

Love, Susan


Kate said...

You're getting lots of yummy food and love right now! What a blessing! Wonderful news that you and Carlee are doing so well. Keep up the great work Mommy!

Kelly said...

Yah for fun gifts galore! You need to stop that bleeding :). I am glad everyone is getting to visit often! Can't wait to see you. OHHH, and I have your bear... It's TOO cute!