Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Who is that...Mama with brown hair?

Carlee is starting to like her swing a little better, but only if she is already in a good mood when you put her in it.

The Synergy (our sunday school class) girls (Mary, me, Carlee, Rachel and Anna) at Rachel's baby shower.

Rachel's having a boy! Carlee is not allowed to meet him until she is at least 25 years old. =)

So the hair color was not intentional. I told my stylist that I wanted to go more natural (which is a dark blonde, but nonetheless still very blonde), she thought going warmer was a good idea, but when she started putting the color on warm was an understatement. Oh well...just like a bad hair cut where it always grows back, you can always change the color too.


Brynn said...

It's not bad!!! I LOVE it dark!! As I said in college... very "hollywood"!!! Love all the new pictures!

Randi said...

I think it looks great on you, Sue!!

Also, I can't tell who I think Carlee looks like... I see Craig when the picture is close up, but can't tell who when it's further away... Guess we'll see! :)

Kelly said...

I love the dark brown too! It's so pretty! Um, in that first picture she looks exactly like Craig! WOW! But then in person, she looks like her own self! :) Adorable!!! Can't wait to see you girls again this week!