Monday, December 14, 2009

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

One of the Dickens Village houses at our church

Meme, Pops and Carlee after the Christmas Cantata at our church

Happy Birthday Meme!!!

Carlee met Santa on Saturday, but they didn't allow outside cameras (this way they can charge you $30 for pictures)! Yes, $30...crazy, but the craziest part is that I actually paid it! And I have nothing to show for it (blog wise - maybe I will try to take a picture of the picture). Anyways, I guess a Baby's 1st Christmas makes you do silly things like that...Carlee is definitely worth it.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

This is really cool! That's at your church? How pretty. I love Carlee sticking her tongue her Daddy! haha.