Needing a nap...
Carlee likes to play with everything but her toys...we finally got our surroundsound back up and running (thanks to Uncle John) after rearranging the living room and Carlee wanted to help!
Part of our morning ritual...getting into my closet and taking shoes out of the box or from the shelf. She loves shoes!!!
Carlee had her 9 month appointment a few weeks ago and she weighed 15.35 lbs (5th percentile), 25.5-26 inches in height (6-13% - depending on who measured and how far you stretched her little legs out) and her head is 16 inches which is in the 0% (yes that is a zero percentile). Her bloodwork also came back borderline anemic (which is common for preemies) so she is now taking an iron vitamin supplement. Other than that, she looks great and it right on track with her development. She is pulling up all the time now and is starting to take little sets while holding on to things.
Carlee said....Banana! Yes, banana - only once, but she still said it. She was at daycare sitting at the table eating her afternoon snack of puffs and another little boy sitting next to her was eating a banana. Carlee started reaching for it and said, "nana nana," Miss Julia looked at Carlee and said, "are you trying to say banana" and all of a sudden Carlee said BANANA - nana - nana. Miss Julia was so surprised and handed some banana to Carlee and she was happy.
Another funny story: Carlee and her BFF Margaux were playing the other weekend and Margaux had some Mardi Gras beads (probably 6 strands of them - definitely enough to share) and if you remember Carlee loves those beads, but Margaux wanted to wear all of them. Well eventually Margaux dropped a strand and Carlee quickly crawled over to them and grabbed them off the floor and shouted...HA!!! Like she was saying I got them now and you don't - victory is mine!!!! Kelly and I just busted out laughing. It was hilarious. My sweet very passive child has a devious side to her. =)
SO Precious!! And 9 months- REALLY! Wow that has been SO FAST Susan!! Have a wonderful Easter Weekend!
Go Carlee, go! This post had me chuckling. I can just see her zipping over to the beads with a big "Ha!" So glad to hear she is growing and on track.
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