- Craig and I have been a member of White's Chapel UMC in Southlake for 2.5 years now. We have fallen in love with the people and made it our church home. We wanted to baptize Carlee in the church that she will be raised in and surrounded by steadfast love. We were blessed to have over 20 of our family and friends there to witness this special moment.
- During the Profession of Faith, Craig and I accepted as our bounded duty and privilege to live before Carlee a life that becomes the gospel; to exercise all godly care that she be brought up in the Christian faith; that she be taught the Holy Scriptures and that she learn to give reverent attendance upon the private and public worship of God. We will endeavor to keep her under the ministry and guidance of the Church until she by the power of God shall accept for herself the gift of salvation and be confirmed as a full and responsible member of Christ's Holy Church.
- After the service, we celebrated at our house with great food and fellowship. Dad and Craig smoked a fabulous brisket the day before. Also served with sausage and pinto beans. Becky made her wonderful potato salad and Mom made her famous Blackberry cobbler. The meal was definitely a success, but the best part of all was the company and we missed those that could not be here to celebrate with us. Carlee is one lucky little lady to have so many people loving and praying for her on a daily basis. She is truly a gift from God!
- Later this evening, Craig got a call from Carole (his sister) and said that her 3 year old son Cayden (pictured above) was sobbing and asked her, "why are Craig and Susan giving Carlee away to Jesus." Carole told him what it meant and reminded Cayden that they also gave him away to Jesus. Still not quite understanding the true meaning Cayden said, "I don't want to live with Jesus." Too cute!!!
"All thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children."
Isaiah 54:13
Love, Susan
Great pictures! Glad I got to be a part of Carlee's special day! I took some pics but they didn't turn out too well. I'll send them to you anyway. Hope you are enjoying your day off!
How pretty! Carlee looked so precious in your gown and your grandmother's crocheted bonnet. How beautiful! She is growing up so fast!!
Carlee looks so sweet and beautiful! What a precious gift indeed!
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