Monday, March 1, 2010

8.5 month pictures!

I still love my Mardi Gras beads!!!

Getting a kiss from Dolly (cousin Cayden named her - the creative mind of a 3 year old). She got this doll at Christmas and it is the same size as Carlee and she just thinks it is so funny, especially when you make her dance and do flips.

After 8 months, NOW the dogs are paying attention to Carlee, go figure she is sharing her food.

I just love this picture. They sat like that for 10 minutes or so. Thankfully, Molly is very patient with Carlee and lets her grab her legs, tail and ears. Maddy on the other hand is not so patient. I'm trying to teach "gentle" to Carlee when petting the dogs, but she hasn't quite learned that concept yet, so until she does the dogs need to learn to stay away. Carlee LOVES the dogs and just thinks they are so funny.

Lunch time!!!

Carlee is blowing a snot bubble with her nose. It was hilarious, but I had a hard time getting a really good picture of the bubble.


Kelly said...

This are some of the pictures I was talking about - where she looks so different, and older. SO CUTE!! I love all the updated pictures! I can't wait to see this little girl! Love her!

Brynn said...

Love the updated pictures!! She really is growing up! Can't wait to see her on Wednesday!

carole said...

so cute! I can't believe how much she is growing!