Friday, January 15, 2010

Happy 7 months!!!

This is her 6 month picture, but it is too adorable not to post! Christy is such an amazing photographer and I highly recommend her!!

I can't believe she is 7 months old already. That means she is closer to 1 year than birth!!! Every stage truly gets better and better. I just love this little girl more than words can describe. Motherhood is the most amazing gift from God.

So when I picked Carlee up from daycare yesterday she had green goop coming out of her eyes! Yes, you heard me right, from her eyes. You could hardly see her eye ball because it was so glazed over with goop and her tears were green. It was so gross and she just looked pitiful. I felt so bad for her. Luckily, her pediatrician also takes her kids to the same daycare and when we were walking out of daycare the doctor was walking in. Talk about perfect timing! I felt bad bothering her off the clock, but I had to ask her to look at Carlee's eyes. She said that she definitely has some sort of infection and needs some prescription drops and that she would call them in for me! What a blessing and awesome service!!! Giving eye drops to a 7 month old is not easy - it definitely takes 2 people - one to hold the eye open and the other to give the drops and not without a good fight from Miss Carlee either. Poor little girl has been sick since Christmas with a nasty cold and I am constantly wiping her nose and now one more thing she can be annoyed with me about - wiping her eyes. This morning her eyes were literally glued shut from all the dried up goop and she had big red bags under her eyes, but the drops seem to be working!!!! I went ahead and took her back to daycare this morning (rule is ~ no fever and she didn't have a fever), so to daycare she went. The ladies asked me if it was contagious and I just shrugged and said I guess we will find out. =) Gotta love the things they pick up from daycare. I just look at it as it is building her immune system!!


carole said...

Don't worry Susan. Cayden has had that same issue many times before
:( Can't wait to see yall this weekend. I hope Carlee is feeling better!

Kelly said...

Poor Carlee! Green goop doesn't sound pleasant and eyes glued shut sounds worse! I can't believe she is 7 months old!! Goodness - time flies :)