Monday, December 7, 2009

What a Big Girl!

Chelsey, Carlee and I went to Canton on Saturday to do some Christmas shopping. We were already anticipating a big shopping spree so we put Carlee in her big girl stroller and took the other infant stroller as a shopping cart. It worked out well until we filled the stroller up within the 1st hour, so we went back to the car to unload and then started at it again. Carlee was such a trooper. Even after 5 hours of shopping, she was still full of smiles. She loves shopping already!!! Craig is in trouble!

BTW: Just for any of you wondering, that is the MacClaren stroller that was recalled, but I ordered the parts and put the hinge covers on there, so it is safe!! I didn't want anyone calling CPS on me!

After a hard day of shopping!

Carlee has a twin at daycare...or at least a friend in the same outfit. This little girl has more hair than Carlee ever will in the next 3 years. So cute!!!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

So cute!! I love her outfit and how big she looks! She looks like such a big girl in her stroller!